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The beautiful, brand new space of Feel2B is located in Lumiar. It has excellent public transportation access and is just a 5 minutes walk from the metro station Parque das Conchas (yellow metro line). By car, it is easily accessed from the Eixo Norte-Sul, 2a Circular, as well as the CRIL and has many free parking possibilities.

Feel2B, Space for Feeling. Space for Being, promotes practices oriented towards human development, with a view towards a more integrated and meaningful life. The center promotes both individual as well as group activities including life coaching, psychology, nutrition, Biodanza, yoga, massage and meditation.


Rua Rainha Dona Luisa de Gusmão 4D
1600-686 Lisboa


Możliwe zakwaterowanie na czas szkolenia. Jeśli potrzebujesz dalszej pomocy, skontaktuj się z nami.

Epic Sana Lisboa Hotel

Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco 15,
1070-100 Lisboa

Real Residência - Tourist Apartments

R. Ramalho Ortigão 41,
1070-228 Lisboa

Dom Pedro Palace Hotel

Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco 24,
1070-109 Lisboa, Portugal


Avenida José Malhoa 1- 1A,
1099-051 Lisbon, Portugal

InterContinental Lisboa

R. Castilho 149,
1099-034 Lisboa, Portugal

Inne zalecenia


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